Artfire is having a contest

Artfire is having a contest. Win a 100.00 shopping spree for you and 2 friends.
There are 4 days left and I think I can do this.

I need my friends to go to this facebook link and become a fan of Artfires facebook page, then go to my comment and click LIKE under it.

Teresa from Elegancebymode has been helping me get lots of votes so she is getting one of the shopping sprees if I win.

The other shopping spree I am going to put everyone that voted for me into a random number generator and let Random pick the winner of the other shopping spree.

Leave a comment along with your like and I will enter your name twice.

Thanks for everyones help.

The One Lovely Blog Award

I have never before recieved an award for blogging, so it amazed me when I found out I was nominated not once but TWICE for this award.
First by Shelley the NCTeddyBearLady
Second by Jenn of Haffina Creations
It is really amazing to me that I recieved this as I am not really a great blogger!

The rules you have to follow:
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.

2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.

3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

So for my nominees:
1. Pastry Stitches
2. Great Ride Across America Pedaling Steady
3. CharSpirit's Blog
4. Ignis Fatuus
5. Rainwolf Studios
6. The Blue Daisy Designs
7. Jenny Karlsson Designs
8. Yours Truli
9. A Punkin Card Company
10. Skyline Candle Company
11. Wunderments
12. WeeKnit
13. Polymer Clay Smooshers
14. The Chain Maille Lady
15. My Doggie And Me

Dont forget to take some time to visit all these great blogs. Leave a comment and let them know you were there! is excited to announce our new Facebook contest!

A Shopping Spree for Three!

ArtFire - Buy Handmade - Sell Handmade

Playing is easy, and winning is even easier! Here’s what to do:

1. Go to the main fan page wall on FaceBook and tell the world why you love It could be your favorite function, feature, or the community in general, just let the world know!

2. Invite all your friends to join and “like” and “comment” on your post, go ahead and “like” your friends’ posts too.

3. The post with the most "likes" on June 30th at 11:59PM PDT will be this month’s winner and receive a $100 shopping spree at!

4. The winner will get to pick two friends who will each receive a $100 shopping spree at as well.

Head on over to the fan page wall and tell us what you love! Facebook Fan Page.

LEgal Stuff

No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. Items shipped to winners must comply with all local laws and regulations. Shopping spree has no substitution and no cash value. All awards and decisions by are final. Identity verification of winners may be required to ensure shopping sprees are not awarded to the same person.

In the event of a tie the number of comments on a post will be used as a tie breaker.

Shopping sprees are $100 USD total which includes item costs and all associated shipping fees.

A shopping spree may not be broken up into multiple shopping trips. will pay for each winner’s shopping cart up to $100 inclusive of shipping. can randomly select two of the friends who liked the winning post at the request of the winner.

Update from JoAnn - Some good news - some not so good news about open heart surgery

I havent been very good about updating all my friends about what is going on with my best friend JoAnn and her dear husband Donald. Here is her latest post.

First I guess we start with the good news - that is always best I guess. I am just overwhelmed right now. So many have written emails asking how things are going - and we appreciate that - so here are the updates.

Well, you remember that horrid co-pay for Don's open heart surgery - and our feelings of helplessness - we've had a bit of a reprieve. A very dear friend talked to us about the out-of-pocket expenses not covered by insurance. She said to check again with the insurance company and see what our total would be. Out of pocket expenses are what you are expected to pay, up to a certain amount, and then insurance takes over and pays 100% after that. So instead of 25,000.00 we were originally told, we are responsible for only 2,000.00 - still a hefty sum - but with the quilt raffle, quite doable. It was such a relief when we found this out - like we could breath again. The big question is - why didn't the financial people at the hospital know about this - surely they've dealt with other people in similar situations. Well, it is past now - and we are so relieved. But the quilt raffle is still on - and if we go over our total needed we will donate it to someone else in a tight financial situation because of illness or surgery. So you still have time to get in and get your chances to win the quilt - and the other lovely prizes donated by good friends and good blogger-friends. There are some new prizes being offered also - and I'll update those soon.

So - now for the rest of the news. Most of you have read that there is no bypass surgery needed at the same time as the open heart surgery to repair the mitral valve - which is very good news - the less time they have to spend in there - the better. Then yesterday we saw the surgeon and he set up the surgery for June 19 - a Friday. Then things got a bit crazy.

There was some edema in Don's feet and ankles yesterday . . .

Edema was worse by evening . . .

Edema still the same this morning. . .

Called surgeon on emergency number this morning - he said to get to the cardiologist to have this checked - and to reschedule the surgery sooner . . .

Visit to cardiologist - nothing is urgent or dangerous so they will be watching and gave Don a presciption to control the edema . . .

Surgery rescheduled for June 12 - next Friday. . .

So that's it - and I think that is about all I can deal with right now - we are delighted with the insurance results - a little frightened about having to move the surgery up so soon - but we will get through this - with the help of family and friends.

Artfires New Front Page

Artfire launched their new look today. I think it looks great!!!

Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.