I have never before recieved an award for blogging, so it amazed me when I found out I was nominated not once but TWICE for this award.
First by Shelley the NCTeddyBearLady
Second by Jenn of Haffina Creations
It is really amazing to me that I recieved this as I am not really a great blogger!
The rules you have to follow:
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
So for my nominees:
1. Pastry Stitches
2. Great Ride Across America Pedaling Steady
3. CharSpirit's Blog
4. Ignis Fatuus
5. Rainwolf Studios
6. The Blue Daisy Designs
7. Jenny Karlsson Designs
8. Yours Truli
9. A Punkin Card Company
10. Skyline Candle Company
11. Wunderments
12. WeeKnit
13. Polymer Clay Smooshers
14. The Chain Maille Lady
15. My Doggie And Me
Dont forget to take some time to visit all these great blogs. Leave a comment and let them know you were there!
Mediterranean-Style Stuffed Peppers
21 hours ago
Thank you so much! It is an honor for the Smooshers to be named.
Many on your list are in my google reader but there are some new ones for me to check out too.
Thank you!
Ahhh...Shucks! I am flattered to be included in this great list of blogs. Thank you so much Franni!
WOW I am so honored to be included in this list of really fabulous blogs! It is so wonderful of you to nominate me I will have to get busy and find my 15 :) Thank you again!!!
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